Areas we work in

HIQA’s role is to develop standards, inspect and review health and social care services and support informed decisions on how services are delivered. For further information on the areas we work in please click on the links below.

safer better healthcare cover
  • Healthcare icon
    We inspect hospitals and other healthcare providers and talk to patients, staff and managers to determine if healthcare providers are meeting national standards.
  • Children's logo
    We inspect some of the social care services children access to determine if they are meeting national standards. We visit services, speak with children, their families and other important people in their lives.
  • disability logo
    We are legally responsible for the monitoring, inspection and registration of designated centres for adults and children with a disability.
  • Older People's Services
    We are responsible for monitoring, inspecting and registering all nursing homes in Ireland to ensure that residents are safe and receive a high quality of care.
  • Health information icon
    We aim to develop a consistent and standardised approach to health and social care information within the Irish eHealth and health information landscape.
  • Health Technology Assessment icon
    We evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of health programmes, policies, medicines, medical equipment, diagnostic and surgical techniques, health promotion and protection activities, and provide advice to enable the best use of resources and the best outcomes for people who use our health service.
  • National Clinical Guideline Support
    We are responsible for producing the evidence to support the development of national clinical guidelines. The guidelines aim to promote healthcare that is current, effective and consistent, ensuring best outcomes for patients and people using services.
  • Standards icon
    We aim to improve the quality and safety of health and social care services by setting national standards and publishing guidance.
  • Find a Centre
    If you are looking for a nursing home, hospital or disability centre, please click here for further information.
  • NCEP logo
    The National Care Experience Programme seeks to improve the quality of health and social care services in Ireland by asking people about their experiences of care and acting on their feedback.
  • Lens logo
    The database brings together notifications received from specified social care services, primarily residential centres for older persons and people with disabilities.
  • Radiation icon
    HIQA is the independent competent authority responsible for regulating medical exposures to ionising radiation, and conducting evidence reviews and guideline development.
  • IPAS logo
    We are responsible for monitoring the quality of International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) centres.
  • lexicon icon
    The Lexicon for Social Care is an initiative by HIQA’s Chief Inspector of Social Service. The Lexicon provides a list of commonly-used words relevant to social care, along with a definition.