Providers of permanent International Protection Accommodation centres

We monitor the quality of International Protection Accommodation Service (IPAS) centres in Ireland by inspecting permanent IPAS centres against the national standards.

HIQA inspectors visit IPAS centres to ensure that a safe, quality service is being provided.

View the national standards.

HIQA inspectors monitor services against the National Standards for Accommodation Offered to People in the Protection Process (2019).
An inspection could be announced or unannounced.

During inspection, inspectors will speak with the people who live there, service providers, members of staff and managers to get an insight into how the centre is run. Inspectors will also review documentation and other relevant records held by the centre.

After the inspection, HIQA will prepare a report on what it is like to live in the accommodation centre and whether consistently good, safe, quality services and support is provided.

If improvements are required in an accommodation centre, you will be expected to submit a plan on how and when these improvements will be made. The implementation of these plans will be closely monitored by HIQA. Inspection reports will be published on our website.