Enhanced Bacteraemia (Bloodstream infections) Surveillance in Ireland

Data Collection Type
National data collections of health and social care in Ireland

Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC).

Year established


Statement of purpose

To provide epidemiological insights into antimicrobial resistance data from key pathogens in order to inform infection prevention and control teams and other policy decision makers.

Coverage (geographical and temporal)

Voluntary participation (22 laboratories regularly participate accounting for 45% of EARS-Net isolates).

Data are collected quarterly.


Data on bacteraemia caused by selected pathogens is currently collected as part of the European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (EARS-NET).

EARS-NET was enhanced in Ireland to collect demographic, risk factor and clinical data for each EARS-NET isolate reported since 2004. The enhanced programme involves voluntary participation by hospitals that provide data on invasive pathogens causing bloodstream infections.

Data users

Infection control teams in participating acute hospitals.

Data content

Patient details: patient number/chart number, date of birth, age, sex, date of admission, date specimen taken, patient admitted from, patient outcome details, healthcare associated details, organism and laboratory info, risk factors, primary source of infection, clinical features.

Data dictionary

Not available.

National-level identifier variables

No national-level identifier is used.

Equity stratifiers

Equity stratifiers not included in the dataset.

Data collection methodology

In Ireland, the system was enhanced to gather additional information including patient risk factors, sources of infection and patient outcome. This is an enhancement of the existing EARS-Net data collection system.

Data are collected on a quarterly basis.

Clinical coding scheme

Not in use.

Size of national collection

Enhanced data were collected on approx. 1,600 EARS-Net blood-culture isolates for 2018.

Publication frequency

Annual reports available on HPSC website.

Accessing data

Data requests can be submitted via hpsc@hse.ie and will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Open data portal access


Email contact
Telephone contact