National Perinatal Reporting System (NPRS)
Healthcare Pricing Office (HPO) within the National Finance Division, HSE.
Commenced as a pilot in 1969. Rolled out to all maternity hospitals in early 1970s. Between 1990 and 2013 the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) managed the scheme on behalf of the Department of Health and the HSE. Since January 2014 the scheme has been managed by the Healthcare Pricing Office (HPO) in the HSE (www.hpo.ie).
To maintain a timely accurate national database of key perinatal indicators over time. Collection, processing, management and reporting of data on all births nationally that meets the needs of the data users (including policymakers, clinical teams and researchers), through the development and support of the system.
All maternity hospitals/departments and independent midwives report to NPRS covering 100% of births in Ireland.
NPRS data collection commenced in 1970 and is ongoing.
The National Perinatal Reporting System (NPRS) has as its principal aim, the provision of national statistics on perinatal events.
HSE, Department of Health, policy-makers, clinical teams and researchers.
The information collected includes: data on pregnancy outcomes (with particular reference to perinatal mortality and important aspects of perinatal care); descriptive social and biological characteristics of mothers giving birth.
Yes – full data dictionary published on HPO website. www.hpo.ie
There is no national unique identifier. At national level NPRS collects date of birth.
Gender, occupation age, area of residence captured by NPRS and included in data dictionary. Equity stratifiers not specifically identified currently. NPRS data relies on information collected at hospital level.
All births are registered and notified on a standard four part birth notification form which is completed where the birth takes place. Part 3 of this paper form is sent to the HPO office for data entry and validation. Approximately 40% of hospitals submit data electronically to the NPRS system.
ICD-10 for the coding of morbidity and mortality data.
Approximately 60,000 average number of records created annually.
Perinatal Statistics Report. Annual reports published on HPO website.
NPRS data sets are provided to a number of state agencies in order to address specific data requirements. Data requests can be submitted to nprs@hpo.ie directly. In addition annual reports on Perinatal Statistics on the HPO website.
Additional information and documentation regarding HIPE is available at www.hpo.ie