Children’s services publication statement 1 October 2021

Date of publication:

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has today published an inspection report on a children’s residential centre.

HIQA is authorised by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth under Section 69 of the Child Care Act, 1991, as amended by Section 26 of the Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011, to inspect children’s residential care services provided by the Child and Family Agency (Tusla). HIQA monitors Tusla’s performance against the National Standards for Children’s Residential Centres and reports on its findings to the Minister. 

An announced inspection of a statutory children’s residential centre in the Tusla Dublin North East region was carried out between 11 and 12 August 2021. The centre was found to be compliant with eight of the nine national standards assessed, and substantially compliant with the remaining standard.

This was a well-run centre that had effective management systems in place to ensure that high quality, person-centred care was provided to children. Children’s care was supported by comprehensive care planning, which was reflected in the documentation reviewed by the inspector. Staff and management supported each child to meet any health and development needs that they had, as well as developing independent living skills. 

There was a sufficient number of staff working in the centre, who had the appropriate skills and experience to provide care to children. Children were supported by the staff team to develop and maintain relationships with their families, friends and local communities. 

The children who spoke with the inspector described positive experiences of living in the centre. They felt safe in the centre and said that staff members were kind and friendly towards them. 

The inspector found that the centre’s statement of purpose required review to ensure it fully complied with the national standards.