Children’s services publication statement 14 March 2023

Date of publication:

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has today published an inspection report on Oberstown Children Detention Campus.

HIQA is authorised by the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth under section 185 of the Children Act 2001, as amended, to monitor Oberstown Children Detention Campus and provide advice to the Minister. HIQA inspects Oberstown Children Detention Campus to ensure that the wellbeing, welfare and safety of children is promoted and protected, and to measure its compliance with the rules within the Oberstown Children Detention Campus Rights Policy Framework (2020) and its compliance with Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (2017).

An announced inspection was carried out in Oberstown Children Detention Campus across five days between 8 and 14 November 2022, which focused on the rules in relation to young people’s participation, care, positive behaviour, restrictive practices, safeguarding and staffing, management and governance. Of the six rules assessed as part of this inspection, five were substantially compliant and one was compliant.  

The inspection found that the young people were well cared for and were provided with individualised supports and opportunities to participate in meaningful activities and programmes. The campus had good systems in place to give young people a voice about their care, and also about the running of the campus. External independent advocates were welcomed to the campus to engage directly with young people and hear their stories.

There were good governance structures in place in the campus and the management team supported the delivery of a good service to young people which focused on continuous improvement. Overall, there was good progress in many governance arrangements since the last inspection.

There were improvements made since the previous inspection in the management of challenging behaviour and the quality of records maintained regarding the use of restrictive practices. However, further improvements were required to ensure consistent and accurate recording of the use of these restrictive practices.

Other areas requiring improvement related to the campus case management system (electronic record system), the consistent provision of staff supervision and ensuring appropriate contingencies were in place for the management of safeguarding and child protection concerns.

Read the report and action plan at the link below.