Children’s services publication statement 17 August 2020

Date of publication:

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has today published an inspection report on a children’s residential centre.

HIQA is authorised by the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs under Section 69 of the Child Care Act, 1991 as amended by Section 26 of the Child Care (Amendment) Act 2011, to inspect children’s residential care services provided by the Child and Family Agency (Tusla). HIQA monitors Tusla’s performance against the National Standards for Children’s Residential Centres and reports on its findings to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.

An announced inspection of a centre in the Dublin Mid Leinster region, on 7 and 8 July 2020, found that children were safe and well cared for. Children spoke positively about the centre and had good relationships with staff.

Children’s health, development and wellbeing was promoted and protected by staff in the centre. Staff supported the children to take part in educational placements and activities. Interventions and supports provided were informed by the children’s health and medical needs, with staff attending specialised training as required. However, the children had not been involved in developing their placement plans.

Staff in the centre understood and implemented child protection policies and procedures in line with Children First 2017. Significant events were notified promptly, and well managed. There was good communication between the centre and the relevant people in the children’s lives. The centre had a statement of purpose and function which clearly described the model of service that it delivered. There was also a children’s version available, which provided children and families with information about life in the centre. However, the centre did not have a clear process in place to ensure that families were aware of the centre’s policy on the use of restrictive practice.

There was an experienced staff team in the centre who were committed to the children they cared for. The centre was managed by a suitably qualified and experienced centre manager, who was supported by a deputy centre manager. The governance arrangements in the centre ensured that a good quality and safe service was provided, despite the lack of updated national policies. However, improvements were required in the recording systems for the risk register, audits and team meetings. 

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