Disability services publication statement 22 January 2019

Date of publication:

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has today published 27 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities. HIQA inspects against the Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults) with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities, which apply to residential and respite services for people with disabilities in Ireland.

Inspections found a good level of compliance with the regulations and standards in 17 centres, including centres operated by Cheeverstown House CLG, CoAction West Cork CLG, Enable Ireland Disability Services, G.A.L.R.O. Limited, KARE, Kerry Parents and Friends Association, S O S Kilkenny and St Catherine’s Association. In these centres, the provider was ensuring a good standard of care and quality of life to residents at the time of inspection. However, non-compliance with regulations and standards was found in 12 inspections.

Inspections in five Daughters of Charity Disability Support Services centres found that two centres were meeting the needs of residents in line with the regulations and standards. A number of complaints in one centre had not been addressed to residents’ satisfaction. Inspections have been published today for another two centres based on a campus following notices of proposal to refuse and cancel the registration had previously been issued in November 2016. On these inspections, while improvements had been made to the quality of life of the residents through a programme of de-congregation, due to institutional practices and deficits in fire precautions, neither premises met the needs of residents who continued to live there. The provider has committed to closing both centres and finding more suitable accommodation for residents.

Also published this morning are reports on two centres operated by Clann Mór Residential and Respite. Inspectors found both centres were under resourced as there was no suitable person in charge in either centre at the time of inspection. The provider told inspectors that they had discussed resourcing with the Health Service Executive (HSE).  

Reports on three COPE Foundation centres have also been published. Issues identified on these inspections related to the standard of behaviour support for residents, risk management, inadequate overall management arrangements and the number and skill-mix of staff.

Inspections of three centres operated by Redwood Extended Care Facility found that one centre was compliant with the regulations and standards. Improvements were required in the other two centres in areas such as fire precautions, positive behavioural support and notifications.