Disability services publication statement 30 January 2019

Date of publication:

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has today published 27 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities. HIQA inspects against the Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults) with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities, which apply to residential and respite services for people with disabilities in Ireland. 

Inspections found a good level of compliance with the regulations and standards in 19 centres, including centres operated by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the Muiríosa Foundation. In these centres, the provider was ensuring a good standard of care and quality of life to residents at the time of inspection. However, non-compliance with regulations and standards was found in eight inspections.

Reports on 17 centres operated by the HSE have been published. While 14 centres were meeting the needs of residents in line with the regulations and standards, non-compliance was identified in four centres in areas such as governance and management, risk management, safeguarding, positive behaviour support, staff training and the physical environment. 

An inspection of a centre operated by Praxis Care found that improvements were required to fire safety, and that not all residents had access to meaningful community integration. 

A risk-based inspection of a centre operated by RehabCare was carried out following the receipt by HIQA of unsolicited information; upon inspection, these concerns were upheld. The provider failed to identify deficits through its own internal audits; there was no effective oversight of the service provided to residents; unexplained restrictive practices were in place; and improvements were required to fire safety. 

Also published this morning are reports on two centres operated by Sunbeam House. In one centre, the provider failed to notify HIQA of a change in a management position, and did not have sufficient resources to ensure residents’ needs would continue to be met over the next registration cycle. An inspection of another centre was carried out in response to a notification received by HIQA relating to an incident of self-injurious behaviour; inspectors found that the incident had not been appropriately or sufficiently responded to by the provider. In addition, the centre had experienced high turnover in the person-in-charge position in the months preceding the inspection; and not all residents were supported to achieve and maintain the best possible health outcomes.