Disability services publication statement 6 June 2024

Date of publication:

Today, the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published 28 inspection reports on designated centres for people with disabilities. HIQA inspects against the Health Act 2007 (Care and Support of Residents in Designated Centres for Persons (Children and Adults) with Disabilities) Regulations 2013 and the National Standards for Residential Services for Children and Adults with Disabilities, which apply to residential services for people with disabilities in Ireland. 

Of these 28 inspections, inspectors found a generally good level of compliance with the regulations and standards in 14 centres operated by a number of providers including: Avista CLG; Bradbury House Ireland Limited; Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG; Camphill Communities of Ireland; Carriglea Cáirde Services; Dundas Unlimited Company; Embrace Community Services Ltd; GALRO Unlimited Company and Kerry Parents and Friends Association.

Examples of good practice observed by inspectors included: 

  • At a centre in Offaly operated by Avista CLG, one resident spoke enthusiastically about their plans for the day and the different things they enjoyed doing. The resident spoke about their love of music, participating in local music events including a radio show and offered to sing a song for the inspector.
  • At a centre operated by Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG in Clare, residents spoke about family events they had been involved in, both celebrations and recent bereavements. They also spoke about the roles, interests and activities that they actively participated in, in their local village and nearby locations. One resident told the inspector about how they were supported by staff to undertake their window cleaning business, while another resident spoke about how much they enjoyed previously working in the local shop.
  • At a centre operated by Camphill Communities of Ireland in Kilkenny, the inspector observed one resident reviewing their personal finances with staff and planning their weekly budget. They explained how important their independence was to them and how staff helped them to maintain this. The resident also explained to the inspector how they took responsibility for managing their own medication.

Non-compliances that impacted on the delivery of care and support to residents were identified in 14 other centres. 

Poor governance was identified at two centres operated by COPE Foundation. At one centre, an urgent action was issued to ensure effective measures were implemented to promote residents’ rights and to ensure that all residents in the centre were protected from the risk of abuse. At the other centre, improvement was needed in the management of residents’ medication.

Poor governance was identified at four centres operated by Brothers of Charity Services Ireland CLG. At two centres, the provider had not ensured that the centres were resourced to provide for the effective delivery of care to residents, not all residents’ risks had been identified and residents’ rights were limited. At the remaining two centres, improvements were needed in residents’ personal support plans.

At two centres operated by Carriglea Cáirde Services, improvements were needed in fire safety and staffing to ensure that residents’ safety and needs were being met. Poor governance was identified at a centre operated by Ability West which meant not all residents’ healthcare needs were being met. 

Better risk assessments for residents were needed at a centre operated by Co Wexford Community Workshop (Enniscorthy) CLG. At a centre operated by Extern Ireland, improvements were required in managing risks and staff training to ensure residents’ needs were being met.

At a centre operated by Delta Centre CLG, improvements were needed in the management of medications. Better fire safety measures were required at a centre operated by L'Arche Ireland.
Finally, poor fire safety measures posed a risk to residents at a centre operated by KARE, Promoting Inclusion for People with Intellectual Disabilities.

Read all the reports at www.hiqa.ie.