Draft guidelines for the justification of medical radiological procedures on asymptomatic individuals: Public consultation

Status: Published on

Under Irish law, HIQA has been designated as the competent authority for medical exposure to ionising radiation. As one of its functions, HIQA is required to publish guidelines for justifying medical radiological procedures in people who have no known disease or symptoms. Justification means making sure that the benefits outweigh the risks involved. These draft guidelines published for consultation specifically relate to the use of medical radiological procedures outside of health screening programmes in people with no known disease or symptoms. 

This document contains eight guideline statements which were developed through a scoping review and extensive stakeholder engagement. The guidelines describe a set of requirements for those providing medical radiological procedures to asymptomatic individuals. HIQA will use these guidelines to investigate, review and monitor services in the public and private setting providing medical radiological procedures to asymptomatic individuals. 

The aim of this consultation exercise is to gain feedback from stakeholders with a broad range of experience that could potentially be affected by these guidelines.

Interested parties are asked to review the draft guidelines and provide us with any comments or additional information they feel are pertinent to the guidelines. The consultation period will last until 18 December 2024

The easiest way to give your feedback is to complete the online survey.

Alternatively, you can complete a PDF version of the consultation form available below, and e-mail the completed consultation form to consultation@hiqa.ie or send by post to:

HTA Directorate, Health Information and Quality Authority,

George's Court, George's Lane,

Dublin 7, D07 E98Y

After the closing date, we will assess all feedback which will inform our final guidelines. The final guidelines and the Statement of Outcomes (a summary of the feedback received and our responses to it) will be published on www.hiqa.ie. 
Following this consultation, the guidelines will be updated, as necessary, based on the feedback received. 
More details can be found in the press release.