HIQA is developing draft National Standards for Home Support Services. These standards will cover home support providers caring for and supporting people to live in their own homes for as long as possible. These standards set out what outcomes a person using home support services should expect and what a service provider needs to do to achieve these outcomes.
HIQA is developing these standards to drive improvements in the provision of home support services. The standards aim to promote progressive quality improvements in home support services and give a shared voice to the expectations of the public, people using services, service providers and staff.
HIQA is progressing the development of the standards under the existing standard-setting provisions of the Health Act 2007. This will provide the previously unregulated home support sector with the opportunity to become familiar with the standards and adopt the standards voluntarily, which will help to promote readiness in the sector in preparation for upcoming home support legislation.
The draft national standards are underpinned by four principles. These four principles are:
- a Human Rights-based Approach
- Safety and Wellbeing
- Responsiveness
- Accountability.