Updated National Guidelines for Health Technology Assessment: Public consultation

Status: Published on

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has a statutory remit to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of health technologies, and provide advice to the Minister for Health and to the Health Service Executive (HSE). It is recognised that the findings of a HTA may have implications for other key stakeholders in the Irish healthcare system, such as patient groups, the general public, clinicians, other healthcare providers, academic groups, and the manufacturing industry.

HTA guideline documents provide an overview of the principles and methods used in assessing health technologies. The national HTA guidelines are intended as a guide for everyone who is involved in the conduct or use of HTA to inform decision-making in the publicly-funded health and social care system in Ireland. The purpose of the guidelines is to promote the production of assessments that are timely, reliable, consistent and relevant to the needs of decision-makers and key stakeholders in Ireland. HIQA is updating two national HTA guidelines and the draft reports are being made available for public consultation prior to being finalised:

  • Guidelines for the Economic Evaluation of Health Technologies in Ireland
  • Guidelines for the Budget Impact Analysis of Health Technologies in Ireland

The aim of this consultation exercise is to gain feedback from stakeholders with a broad range of experience that could potentially be affected by a change to the two national HTA guidelines. Input from all sectors of society is crucial in providing comprehensive, balanced and evidence-based information to ensure that these guidelines are up-to-date and meet the needs of our stakeholders.

Interested parties are asked to review the draft report and provide us with any comments or additional information they feel are pertinent to these HTA guidelines. You can provide feedback on one or both of the guidelines. The consultation period will last until 2 December 2024. 

The easiest way to give your feedback is to complete the online surveys here for the economic evaluation and here for the budget impact analysis guidelines.

Alternatively, you can complete a PDF version of the consultation form available below, and e-mail the completed consultation form to consultation@hiqa.ie or you can post your completed form to: HTA Directorate, Health Information and Quality Authority, George's Court, George's Lane, Dublin 7, D07 E98Y.

After the closing date, we will assess all feedback in order to inform our final guidelines. The final HTA guidelines and the Statement of Outcomes (a summary of the feedback received and our responses to it) will be published on our website.

 Following this consultation, the guidelines will be updated, as necessary, based on the feedback received. 

  • Consultation form for Draft national economic evaluation guidelines

  • Draft economic evaluation guidelines

  • Consultation form for Draft national budget impact analysis guidelines

  • Draft budget impact analysis guidelines

  • Infographic
