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Monitoring notifications handbook for designated centres for older people (DCOP)

Status: Updated on

Monitoring notifications handbook: Guidance for registered providers and persons in charge of designated centres for older people

Version 3 — October 2024

The Patient Safety (Notifiable Incidents and Open Disclosure) Act 2023 introduces a new requirement for providers of designated centres to notify the Chief Inspector of particular notifiable incidents within seven days from the time that the provider is satisfied that the incident occurred. These new notifications will use the National Incident Management System (NIMS). These incidents are listed in Part 1 of Schedule 1 of this Act. This notification requirement is in addition to the requirements under the regulations for three-day monitoring notifications.

What are monitoring notifications?

The person in charge of a designated centre for older people must notify the Office of the Chief Inspector of the occurrence of certain events in the centre. The Office of the Chief Inspector refers to these as monitoring notifications.

There are three types of monitoring notifications:

three-day monitoring notifications

quarterly monitoring notifications, and

six-monthly nil returns.