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Findings of the National Public Engagement on Health Information

Status: Published on

HIQA, in partnership with the Department of Health and the HSE, has conducted the first National Public Engagement on Health Information to ask the public their views on how their health information should be collected, used and shared in Ireland. People were asked to share their views through a national survey and focus groups.
Health information is information that is collected when you receive health or social care. A major challenge for health and social care in Ireland today is achieving an appropriate balance between protecting personal health information, and the using and sharing of such information to improve care and provide a more seamless experience across multiple care settings.
It is important that people are involved in decisions about how their health information is collected, used and shared. Engaging with the public helps to ensure that any changes are implemented in a way that is acceptable to the public and that their rights in relation to health information are upheld.
This document presents the findings from the national public engagement on health information. HIQA will use the findings to inform the development of national recommendations to the Minister for Health on how health information should be collected, used and shared in Ireland.

This document presents the response to the findings from each of the project partners, and outlines how each organisation will use these findings in their future work.

This document provides a technical description of the methodology, methods and procedures implemented during the National Public Engagement on Health Information.

This file provides anonymised data from the national public engagement survey on health information. Certain variables were redacted from the file to protect the identities of participants.

We have developed an animation to provide an overview of the key findings from the National Public Engagement on Health Information.

We have developed an infographic which highlights the key findings from the National Public Engagement on Health Information.