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Rapid health technology assessment of immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus in Ireland

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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a virus that infects the lungs and upper airways. This virus spreads every winter, with the RSV season in Ireland typically running from October to March. In healthy individuals, infection with RSV can usually be managed without needing to see a doctor. However, RSV can cause more severe infections in some people which may lead to them being hospitalised. Groups vulnerable to serious complications include infants, young children and older adults.

At the request of the Department of Health, the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) agreed to undertake a rapid health technology assessment (HTA) of alternative infant and adult immunisation strategies against RSV in Ireland. The rapid HTA was submitted as advice to the Minister for Health and the Health Service Executive (HSE) to inform an interim policy decision on the most appropriate RSV immunisation strategy for infants and or adults for the 2025-2026 season. This advice was provided in the context of clinical recommendations provided by the National Immunisation Advisory Committee (NIAC) to the Department of Health.