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Investigation into the circumstances surrounding the provision of care to Rebecca O'Malley, in relation to her symptomatic breast disease, the Pathology Services at Cork University Hospital, Symptomatic Breast Disease Services at Mid Western Regional

Status: Published on

This report outlines the findings of an investigation into the care received by Rebecca O’Malley following her presentation to the Mid Western Regional Hospital (MWRH) Limerick in 2005 with symptomatic breast disease. It also includes her pathway following re-presentation to the MWRH and subsequent diagnosis of breast cancer and treatment in 2006 and 2007.

The Authority’s investigation entailed a review of documentation including relevant strategic plans, policies and procedures and evaluations at the MWRHand CUH and correspondence relevant to Rebecca O’Malley’s experience. It also involved site visits and interviews with clinical and non-clinical staff, Rebecca O’Malley, her husband and a lady identified by the investigation team and referred to in this report as Ms X. It carried out reviews of patient records, imaging material and pathological specimens.