2021 National Report (2020 data) to the EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point. Ireland: new developments, trends
Health Research Board (HRB)- Evidence Centre, Reitox National Focal Point.
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction coordinates the work of 29 National Focal Points that act as monitoring centres gathering and analysing drug-related information in their own countries (27 EU member states, Norway and Turkey) and supplying data to the EMCDDA.
The Irish Focal Point to the EMCDDA is based in the Health Research Board. Each year it provides a report on the drug situation in Ireland which is prepared according to common data-collection standards and tool. The national report comprises 10 separate workbooks, each dealing a separate topic.
Out of scope: prescribed medications apart from sedative/tranquillisers and pain relief. Behavioural addictions (gambling etc.)
Member states of the European Union.
Data collection commenced in 1997 and is updated annually.
Each year, the Irish Focal Point to the EMCDDA, based in the Health Research Board, presents a report on the drugs situation in Ireland to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). Data from this national report is aggregated with data from the other member states to prepare into the EMCDDA’s annual European Drugs Report published in June each year.
European Union Drugs Agency; European Commission; Researchers; Policymakers.
The national report includes issues such as main trends and developments; national strategy; institutional and legal framework; epidemiological situation (prevalence, patterns; health consequences); social and legal correlates and consequences; illicit drugs markets; demand/reduction; interventions; key issues arising.
Data collated annually from surveys, health surveillance systems, administrative data provided by health services, NGOs, law enforcement agencies and government departments.
Annual report published by the EMCDDA; annual reports specific to Ireland 2002-2021.
On www.drugsandalcohol.ie website.
Since 2015 the national report has been submitted via a series of workbooks dealing with the following general themes: Drug policy; Legal framework; Prevention; Drugs, Harms and harm reduction; Treatment; Prisons; Research; and, Best practice.