Central Treatment List (CTL)
HSE, National Drug Treatment Centre.
To regulate the dispensing of methadone and buprenorphine/Naloxone treatment in Ireland.
National (Republic Ireland) — all clients prescribed methadone and buprenorphine/Naloxone treatment within Ireland.
Administrative database to regulate the dispensing of methadone treatment. The Central Treatment List (CTL) was established under Statutory Instrument No. 225 (Minister for Health and Children 1998) and is a complete register of all patients receiving methadone (as treatment for problems with opiate use) in Ireland. When a person is considered suitable for methadone detoxification, stabilisation or maintenance, a unique number is allocated to the client and a treatment card is issued for clients when dispensed in community pharmacies.
GPs, Pharmacists, Consultants, Medical Practitioners, Addiction Nurses.
Name, address, date of birth, gender, District Electoral Division (DED), HSE area, Local Health Office (LHO) area, task force area, date commenced on methadone, type of methadone treatment, prescribing doctor, dispensing clinic, date and reason for discontinuation of methadone, client photograph and client signature.
When a person is considered suitable for methadone detoxification, stabilisation or maintenance, in compliance with Regulations the prescribing doctor notifies the CTL with completion of an entry form and a unique number is allocated to the client.
Information is updated on a daily basis.
Monthly and yearly Stats are compiled.
Not applicable.
As of 2021 there was 11,892 people in receipt of methadone and 765 in receipt of suboxone products (Buprenorphine/Naloxone and Buprenorphine (subutex).
Numbers on the CTL are published annually by the Health Service Executive and Health Research Board. Monthly regional summary reports are circulated, as appropriate. Analysis reports can be requested.
Access to data only by staff operating the CTL.
The CTL was established under S.I. No. 225/1998: Misuse of drugs (supervision of prescription and supply of methadone) regulations, 1998. The Department of Health established a Methadone Implementation Prescribing Committee which meets four times a year. The first external review of the Methadone Treatment Protocol in Ireland was published in 2010.