National School Immunisation System (SIS)

Data Collection Type
National data collections of health and social care in Ireland

HSE – Office of the Chief Clinical Officer.

Year established


Statement of purpose

The SIS is an electronic dataset which records all childhood vaccinations for children of School-going age. It also assists in the preparation and planning of vaccination sessions in schools and mop-up clinics as well as being used for statistical and activity analysis.

In-Scope: All vaccinations for children of school-going age.

Out-of-Scope: Baby & Toddler immunisations and adult Community Immunisations (Flu, Covid-19 etc.)

Coverage (geographical and temporal)

National – all children of school age within the State.

SIS has collected data on School Immunisations since the Academic Year of 2010-2011.


The data collection are made up of retrospective
data entry records from paper records detailing the the processing of each school-going aged child who received a vaccination (if consented) or not. The data includes the person-identifying information of the child and one parent/guardian (or self if age appropriate) along with a record of the consent provided (or declined). It also includes data on children who were not vaccinated by virtue of non-attendance.

Data users

- National Immunisation Office
- CHO Data Quality Leads (data-input)
- CHO Management
- Designated HSE Medical Professionals
- (Future) National Cancer Registry – Cervical Check Screening (HPV Vaccinations)
- (Future) IHI.

Data content

- Client demographic records
- Client immunisation records
- Client consent documentation.

Data dictionary

Available on request.

National-level identifier variables

IHI is 80% successful over each year of records collected, work is ongoing to improve this uptake.

PPSN is requested from parents.

Equity stratifiers

None of these are included. SIS does have DEIS status for schools attended.

Data collection methodology

Dept Education provide schools. School immunisation staff provide details of school cohorts. Parents and guardians provide demographic information and vaccinators provide vaccine information on the medical record form.

Data is entered on the system on a near-daily basis during each working day (Mon-Fri) of the academic year.

Clinical coding scheme

No clinical coding takes place.

Size of national collection

270,000 records created on average annually;

- Avg 90k Vaccinations per anum
- Avg 185k Vaccinations per anum
- Avg 1.7k Vaccinations in other settings.

Publication frequency

Data is updated continuously and national figures are published annually by the HPSC.

Accessing data

Programme report on the HPSC website. Client immunisation records are requested by individuals through their local immunisation office as a Subject Access Request.

Open data portal access


Email contact
Telephone contact
Other comments

Clients can find information on their immunisation schedule and what to expect during a vaccination at the national immunisation website at: