Draft recommendations on a model for health information standards to support the delivery of health and social care services in Ireland

Status: Published on

We are seeking feedback on the development of draft recommendations on a model for health information standards.

HIQA is developing recommendations on a model for health information standards, which is essential to enable health information to be shared safely and effectively between systems across a patient’s care journey. The recommendations support the need to strengthen how health information standards are developed, implemented and adopted across the health and social care system in Ireland.  

HIQA is making three recommendations on important areas of standards and interoperability: a model for health information standards and governance, a robust fit-for-purpose standards development process and stakeholder engagement.

In covering these areas, the recommendations outline the significant work completed to date in this area, while also identifying deficiencies in Ireland. Aligned with the eHealth Strategy and Sláintecare, the recommendations aim to improve health information standards development, implementation and adoption. This  will enhance the sharing of patients’ data and underpin a national integrated health information system.

Having undertaken a comprehensive evidence review and stakeholder engagement to inform the development of the draft recommendations, HIQA is holding a public consultation from 21 June 2022 to 2 August 2022. The public consultation gives people the opportunity to provide feedback on the draft recommendations and become involved in the development process by submitting their views to us.

We welcome feedback from all those with an interest in this area, including people using health and social care services, their families, health and social care professionals, advocates, policy-makers and others.

We will carefully assess all feedback received and use it, along with other available evidence, to develop the final recommendations, which will then be submitted to the Minister for Health.

The fastest way is to complete the online survey available here.


Your comments can also be submitted by downloading and completing the PDF consultation feedback form below and then emailing your completed form to us at: technicalstandards@hiqa.ie.

Alternatively, you can complete and post the completed form to us at:

Technical Standards Public Consultation

Health Information and Quality Authority

George's Court

George's Lane


Dublin 7

D07 E98Y.

The consultation feedback form is available online or in PDF format available below.

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Tuesday, 2 August 2022.

At the end of this public consultation, your comments will be collated and will inform the development of the final recommendations. HIQA will also be further engaging with stakeholders to inform the development of the final recommendations. Once approved by HIQA’s Board, the final recommendations will be submitted to the Minister for Health and will be published on our website.

The consultation feedback form is available online or in PDF format below.

HIQA published a best practice review, available here in 2021 which summarises international evidence in relation to health information standards.


  • Consultation feedback form - PDF
