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Corporate Plan 2022-2024

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Corporate Plan 2022-2024 cover design

HIQA’s Corporate Plan 2022–2024 outlines a clear direction for the coming three years and sets out the steps we will take to fulfil our vision of safer services and better care for all. In this plan, we outline our operating environment, and set out our strategic objectives and our commitment to operating to our core values.

Our mission is to protect service users, and to work with our stakeholders to enhance and enable equity, quality and safety of health and social care services for all people in Ireland.

People using services, particularly those who may be vulnerable, are at the heart of our work. We will continue to put people first and promote and protect human rights as we achieve the objectives set out in this plan.

In the next three years, HIQA will continue to address the outcomes and recommendations of the Nursing Home Expert Panel on COVID-19; this will include an expanded and more diverse programme of inspections across nursing homes and residential disability services. HIQA will also build on its successful National Care Experience Programme (NCEP), with the introduction of a survey of nursing home residents and their relatives, as well as a survey on end-of-life care across acute, community and other services. In addition, HIQA will continue to undertake a programme of evidence synthesis to assist with the formation of Government policy as we continue to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on our health and social care services.

The plan outlines a significant work programme consistent with Government policy. Aware of the pressing need to modernise Ireland’s health and social care system, we will engage with our stakeholders to enact the key principles and objectives of Sláintecare. We acknowledge the ambitious legislative and regulatory programme aimed at improving the quality and safety of our health and social care services, and in particular, policy development relating to the State’s responsibilities to adults and children who may be vulnerable. This corporate plan sets out how we will assist with, and respond to, these new policies and legislative requirements as they emerge.

Tugaimid breac-chuntas sa phlean seo ar threoir shoiléir don trí bhliain atá romhainn agus leagtar amach na céimeanna a ghlacfaimid chun an misean againn, seirbhísí níos sábháilte, cúram níos fearr, a bhaint amach.

Sna trí bhliain amach romhainn, leanfaidh an ÚFCS ag tabhairt aghaidh ar thorthaí agus ar mholtaí de chuid Phainéil na Saineolaithe ar na Tithe Altranais maidir leis an COVID-19; áireofar leis seo clár iniúchtaí lníos leithne agus níos éagsúla thar earnáil uile na dtithe altranais agus seirbhísí cónaithe an mhíchumais.

Ina theannta sin, leanfaidh ÚFCS ag tabhairt faoi chlár sintéis na fianaise chun cabhrú le beartais an Rialtais a chur le cheile agus sinne ag leanúint ar aghaidh ag freagairt ar thionchar an COVID-19 I seirbhísí na sláinte agus an chúraim shóisialta sa Stát.