The purpose of this assessment-judgment framework is to support inspectors in gathering evidence when monitoring or assessing a designated centre and to make judgments on compliance. The framework sets out the lines of enquiry to be explored by inspectors in order to assess compliance with the standards and or regulations being monitored or assessed. It also outlines the compliance descriptors of:
- Compliant: a judgment of compliant means the provider and or the person in charge is in full compliance with the relevant regulation.
- Substantially compliant: a judgment of substantially compliant means that the provider or person in charge has generally met the requirements of the regulation but some action is required to be fully compliant. This finding will have a risk rating of yellow, which is low risk.
- Not compliant: a judgment of not compliant means the provider or person in charge has not complied with a regulation and that considerable action is required to come into compliance. Continued non-compliance or where the non-compliance poses a significant risk to the safety, health and welfare of residents using the service will be risk-rated red (high risk) and the inspector will identify the date by which the provider must comply. Where the non-compliance does not pose a significant risk to the safety, health and welfare of residents using the service, it is risk-rated orange (moderate risk) and the provider must take action within a reasonable time frame to come into compliance.