Engagement for the Independent Review to inform the Decision-Making around the Design and Delivery of Urgent and Emergency Healthcare Services in the Mid-West region of Ireland

Status: Published on

In 2024, the Minister for Health requested that the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) conduct a review of urgent and emergency care in Ireland’s mid-west region with the primary objective of ensuring safe quality acute care in the region.

To inform the review, HIQA is now seeking the views of patients, family members, members of the public, healthcare professionals, representative groups and interested parties in the mid-west region. 

The focus of this engagement is to gain a broad understanding of the views of key stakeholders and interested parties in the mid-west region and nationally. This will help to inform the decision-making around the design and delivery of urgent and emergency healthcare services in the mid-west region of Ireland.

The easiest way to take part is to complete the online engagement form by 5pm on Wednesday, 15 January 2025.

You can also complete a Word or PDF version of the engagement form and email this to midwestreview@hiqa.ie, or, print and return to the postal address below by 5pm on Wednesday, 15 January 2025.

Postal address:

Mid-West Review Team
Health Information and Quality Authority 
Unit 1301 
City Gate
T12 Y2XT

This engagement is being conducted in accordance with data protection law, including the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2019. 

Any response you provide will be held securely and anonymised, that means information that you provide will be stored without reference to your name or any other information that could identify you. Information provided in your response, for example an anecdote or statement about an experience, may be included in the stakeholder engagement document that will be published by HIQA at the end of this review. However, information be provided in a summative manner which protects the privacy of respondents. 

Please do not include any sensitive or confidential information in your response.

For further information on how HIQA uses personal information, please see our Privacy Notice available here. If you have any concerns regarding your personal information, please contact HIQA’s Data Protection Officer on dpo@hiqa.ie

Please note that HIQA is subject to the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act and the statutory Code of Practice in relation to FOI. 

For further information or if you have any questions, you can email midwestreview@hiqa.ie